EPN’s Wednesday Job Openings Email
EPNKC offers the unique ability to advertise a Human Resources job to our EPNKC member database of 2,000+ individuals, typically in HR and HR-related positions. This is a one-time email blast, sent on Wednesdays to our members. The career opportunity will also be posted on our website after the blast goes out. EPNKC job blasts have proven to be an effective and cost-efficient way to target your local HR audience.
There is no specific ad format or word limit; however, please keep the text formatting as simple as possible.
Here’s how to advertise your job opening:
Simply e-mail your ad text to Nancy Strahle and it will be added to the next job blast e-mail; deadline is Tuesday at 5:00 pm to be included in the Wednesday Blast. There is a $250.00 fee, which must be received before the Blast. You can either send the ad in the body of your e-mail message or attach it to your e-mail in a MS Word document. Invoices will be emailed within 24 hours.
Payment must be received before your position will be included. Click the “buy now” button below to pay for the listing via Pay Pal. Due to the fees involved in providing the credit card option, your cost per job will be $260.
Questions? Need assistance? E-mail: Nancy Strahle

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