The Benefits Coordinator assists with the day to day administration of the BlueScope group benefits program, including assisting employees with
Established in 1988, today Cascade is the largest and most established healthcare staffing agency, giving you security of a proven leader. Our reputation is extremely important to us and we take pride in what we do. Our standards are high, business is stable and strong, we care about you, patients, and the community.
You’ll talk to many healthcare employee applicants all day every day! After they have interviewed with recruiters and staffing managers, you’ll be the next person in line to help get them onboarded with Cascade. You’ll get on a video meeting (or sometimes just phone) with them and help them complete their offer letter, then walk them through new hire paperwork that they do remotely. We want HR Reps that truly understand the importance of each and every applicant being assisted fully so that they choose to immediately work for our company vs another. If hand holding is what it takes, we want to hire HR reps that will hand hold. You’ll also assist with background checks, verifications, etc. in order to get the healthcare employee ready to be actively working for us. You’ll perform other various HR type general tasks like project work here and there. The position requires a lot of follow up and prompting people to complete online paperwork. There are other general tasks that pop up and are expected within reason.